Saturday, 17 September 2011

Friday morning in Istanbul

The three of us started on Gertie in Bangkok and have made it all the way through to Istanbul. When Jess and Jamie joined us in Tashkent, we had been on the truck for longer than they had been married.

We had a go at going on a shopalopathon, but looked instead of shopped. Which is just as well, I am strangely attracted to the ugly ceramic cats.

We didn't even buy these fabulous undies.

Or this... stuff. (though I did buy a Christmas ornament for my mum in this shop. Expect a Christmas Squirrel coming your way, Mum).

 And we saw some 'feed the birds, tuppence a bag'.

Then Jess and Jamie went for a Bosphorus cruise and I went home to organise my stuff and to go to the post office. I was suffering from lack of sleep and may have had a few bouts of tears over ridiculous things (but not, surprisingly, the fact that the parcel post part of the post office closed early and was shut by the time I got there and now I have a lot of things to carry to Bucharest. Yes, Bucharest. I bought a train ticket this morning for 10pm tonight. Why am I not going to Ismir with Asima any more? Her ferry from Ismir is no longer going to Alexandria, so she is no longer going to Ismir. I will have to come back to Turkey in the future to go and visit Ephesus. [I may have cried a little at the sudden and unexpected loss of my truck.])

I have the sudden conviction that I should have bought a ticket to Sofia instead of Bucharest.


Morag said...

Never fear, you and I shall visit Ephesus together and it shall be glorious.

Ceels said...

Huzzah, I await the day in breathless anticipation and direct your attention to this: