Lucky beer
Friday I saw
Daniel Champagne.
Kristina Olsen (she played the aeroplane song and Big O)
ahab, oh my god, go watch them on youtube I love the start of
this song.
Saturday in tent 3
10am stage one:
Abigail Washburn and Kai Welch (great), Judy Collins,
Ben Sollee (amazing), Chris Hillman &
Herb Pederson, Pieta Brown, Krystle Warren.
12.15 Stage three:
Pierre Bensusan, John Butler (first time I've seen him, he was
marvellous) Jeff Lang, Daniel Champagne, Peter Rowan, Michael Witcher,
Jimi Hocking
2.45 Stage three: Eric Bibb and Staffan Astne
r - brilliant
4 stage five: second half of Kristina Olsen
5 stage five: Ami Williamson (daughter of John).
6.30 stage three: Adam Cohen - He's fabulous. 'Sweet Dominique'.
9.15 stage two: The Pigs - name is unfortunate, music is great
10 Shebeen: ahab (again). Someone spilt beer on me (Kilkenny, not guinness)
Sunday Morning
Accommodation gets booked out in Port on Folkie weekend.